FAQ about the technology
We focus on hydrogen for small vessels and heavy duty applications and on ammonia for large vessels. The main advantage is that it will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions while at the same time provide a robust and reliable solution.
Hydrogen is released from the storage tanks and brought to low pressure, then injected into the air inlet of the engine at the right time and dosage. By aspirating the hydrogen a part of the diesel fuel is displaced to get the same amount of energy from combustion.
During hydrogen injection, the engine corrects its injection of traditional fuel. Less diesel means less CO₂, so adding hydrogen equals a CO₂ reduction 1:1. In this first generation, engine efficiency and NOX emissions are the same or better compared to the original diesel engine. The system is designed to work on top of the existing hardware and electronics of the engine and machine. It can therefore never affect the reliability or performance of the machine.
In case of a fault or damage to the system, hydrogen blending stops and the storage bottles close automatically in a safe mode. Thus, no significant quantity of hydrogen can leak or explode. If the safe mode is engaged, the engine automatically switches back to 100% traditional fuel, without the operator feeling it. He only receives a message on the display! The switch between diesel and dual fuel can also be made if no refuelling is possible or due to customer requirements or contracts.
The advantages of internal combustion engines:
- Combustion engines are robust, reliable and have a long operational track record.
- You obtain an optimized balance of maximized emission savings while ensuring that the extra required CAPEX is minimal.
- ICE mono fuel engines reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero, ICE dual fuel engines reduce emissions by 60 to 90% depending on the load and the engine type.
- Large marine and industrial applications can be converted to H2ICE today.
- Additional training is only needed for the hydrogen storage system, as the combustion engine remains the same. No high voltage training is needed.
- Hydrogen is 14 times lighter than air, making it the lightest atom on earth
- Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe
- Invisible and inodorous are two main characteristics of hydrogen
- Hydrogen emits no CO₂ while burning, it can be produced 100% from green electricity
- Hydrogen can be stored as a gas under pressure (usually 350 or 700 bar) or as liquid (cooled down to -253°C)
Hydrogen has no colour. The colour of hydrogen refers to its production process.
- ‘Grey’ refers to the origin of natural gas which is typically cracked in a steam methane reformer. During this reforming process, CO2 is produced as a side product.
- Blue hydrogen is produced in the same way as grey hydrogen (using natural gas), but here the CO2 produced is stored underground instead of in the air.
- If the hydrogen is produced by green electricity through an electrolysis process, the hydrogen is tagged as ‘green’.
Today, green hydrogen is still more expensive compared to traditional fossil fuels. We do expect a significant price drop as production scales up and the technology matures.
Energy storage in the form of compressed hydrogen is much cheaper compared to batteries. To give an example of the cost to drive a hydrogen car: it can drive 500-600 km with refuelling costs of €60, which are comparable to petrol at the pump.
Hydrogen does not create CO₂, particulates or sulphur oxides while being used by fuel cells or combustion engines. Hydrogen just reacts with the Oxygen in the air to create power and water vapour as side product.
During the combustion of hydrogen, nitrogen oxides may be formed under the right pressure and temperature. However, with proper after treatment technology, nitrogen oxides can easily be broken down with a catalytic converter.
CMB.TECH’s mono fuel combustion engines are zero emission, since the NOx emission are so low that they are below the threshold to be marked as zero emission.
Ammonia is a hydrogen carrier, just like diesel, and the molecule is formed by 1x nitrogen atom and 3x hydrogen atoms. Green ammonia is produced by the Haber-Bosch process which combines nitrogen from the air and green hydrogen.
Why green ammonia?
Since hydrogen is the smallest and lightest molecule in the universe, it is not easily stored in large quantities. High pressured vessels or cryogenic tanks are required, making it only economical for smaller storage sizes. ammonia is in this respect a good solution as a carrier for hydrogen as it is easier to store, meaning that ammonia can be used as a more dense energy carrier.
CMB.TECH's dual fuel technology uses hydrogen on landside applications and smaller coastal vessels which have the possibility to refuel the hydrogen every two to three days. However, large ocean-going vessels do not have this possibility and thus green ammonia will be used resulting in longer autonomy with the same volume of storage.
Green electricity is made by windmills and solar panels. However, you can only store these electrons in batteries to a limited extent and they are also difficult to transport. Molecule storage is much easier and cheaper and the energy content will stay the same throughout time. It is also possible to refuel much more quickly.
Hydrogen is the most basic molecule you can make with green energy, making it the most energy efficient conversion, and the first step for any other alternative like ammonia or even methanol.
Hydrogen is abundantly available both on earth and in space, yet de facto mainly extractable from water. Hydrogen is reconverted into water once it has reacted with oxygen. You can keep doing the process of splitting (in an electrolyser) and oxidation (by combustion or by an electro-chemical reaction in a fuel cell) indefinitely. Even the water from the ocean can be used to make hydrogen. So there is an abundance of water available. And after reaction, the water will simply fall from the sky as rain, after which it can be converted into hydrogen again via an electrolyser with green electricity. This makes hydrogen a sustainable and scalable molecule for energy-usage that does not need any carbon involved.
Yes, hydrogen gas is increasing as a fuel for passenger vehicles and other transport systems.
It can be used in fuel cells to make electricity that can drive electric motors, and when combined with a battery it can form a hybrid fuel cell battery-electric vehicle. It can also be burned in Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) such as the one used in our applications.
Green hydrogen is an environmentally friendly fuel with no associated CO₂ emissions at the point of use because it is produced without any emission (electrolyser from renewable electricity).
As such hydrogen has the potential to dramatically reduce our dependency on imported oil as well as reduce the consequences associated with emissions.
CMB.TECH has developed standardized hydrogen storage systems that are certified for the application they are on. A set of compressed hydrogen tanks are combined into one stillage which has its own control unit. Each tank has a pressure and temperature sensor, which is used by the control unit to determine the amount of hydrogen. The stillages are interchangeable, so in case of maintenance, they can be easily swapped by the spare set by which the service can be guaranteed.
Hydrogen, like all other fuels, is flammable like natural gas and petrol. Therefore, it must be handled safely. The concrete properties of hydrogen are:
- Low ignition energy;
- Flammable in a wide range: 4-75% (compared to gasoline: 1,3% - 7,1%);
- Very light, 14x lighter than air, allowing easy evacuation of the gas;
- Very low energy density at atmospheric pressure.
The main safety measures taken for hydrogen equipment are for high pressure. All components are tested and certified with a very high safety margin. At atmospheric pressure and temperature, the fuel is a lot safer than other fuels like gasoline, LPG or natural gas.
Hydrogen, in gaseous form, is widely stored in hydrogen high-pressure storage cylinders, tubes or tube trailers. Hydrogen cylinders go through vigorous testing (fire test, burst test, etc). The TPRD (Thermal Pressure Relief Device) goes through pressure testing to achieve approval for the European standard for hydrogen powered vehicles (EC79), hence, making it much safer than ADR-approved parts.
In liquid form, hydrogen is mainly stored at the consumer site in cryogenic liquid tanks or cylinders. These liquid hydrogen tanks are highly insulated and specifically designed to reduce the boil off of the hydrogen gas.
Modern hydrogen monitoring systems help to reduce the chance of mishandling and leakage from hydrogen storage systems. The hydrogen monitoring system will monitor the hydrogen in air concentration and if the set-up threshold is reached, then the system is shut down safely.
Yes, like other fuel systems, hydrogen refuelling stations must be designed and constructed in accordance with all relevant safety standards.
Hydrogen monitoring systems ensure that the system is functioning as expected, otherwise, the system is completely shut down.
There are over 200 hydrogen refuelling stations already installed across Europe which are run and maintained according to the relevant codes and standards. Compressed hydrogen has been used in the industry for more than 50 years and its safety is considered higher than that of LNG or even oxygen. Liquid hydrogen is in use by NASA as rocket fuel since 1958.
Hydrogen is 14 times lighter than air. When it is released, it spreads quickly and rises into the atmosphere at a speed of 20 metres per second. Hydrogen is not toxic if released or spilled. Petrol in the air is flammable at a lower concentration limit of 1.4%, compared to 4% of hydrogen. The flames give off little radiant energy, much less than comparable with other fuels.
In addition, modern hydrogen systems are designed to be fail-safe. This is achieved by multiple safety systems such as;
- Leak detection.
- Ventilation systems to prevent leaks from reaching flammable levels.
- Fire detection via infrared detectors.
- Pressure relief systems that vent the hydrogen when surpassing a safety threshold.
The CMB.TECH Hydrogen Refuelling Station in Antwerp produces its own green hydrogen. CMB.TECH not only built this station, we also develop hydrogen applications that make use of this refuelling station. This combination makes CMB.TECH unique and the first to achieve this within the industry.
Ammonia (NH₃) is a compound made of nitrogen and hydrogen. It is a colourless gas with a pungent odour.
Ammonia is one of the most widely produced chemicals. It dissolves easily in water to form an ammonium hydroxide solution. About 85% of the ammonia produced in industry is used in agriculture as fertilizer. Ammonia is also used as a refrigerant gas, to purify water supplies, and in the manufacture of plastics, fabrics, pesticides, dyes, and other chemicals. It is found in many household and industrial-strength cleaning solutions.
Ammonia is a promising alternative fuel for the maritime industry because it significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions when produced using renewable energy.
Ammonia is produced commercially via the catalytic reaction of nitrogen and hydrogen at high temperatures and pressures. The process was developed in 1909 by German chemists Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch.
Ammonia production follows following steps:
- Nitrogen extraction: nitrogen is separated from the air by its separation. Air is compressed, cooled, and passed through a molecular sieve or cryogenic process.
- Hydrogen production: hydrogen is obtained from biomass, coal, natural gas, solar, wind, geothermal, hydro and nuclear energy. Methods like steam methane reformer (SMR), partial oxidation, or electrolysis are used to produce hydrogen.
- Ammonia synthesis: nitrogen and hydrogen are mixed in a reactor under high pressure and temperature, with a catalyst like iron or ruthenium facilitating the reaction, resulting in ammonia.
- Product purification: the gas mixture is purified to remove any contaminants through multiple stages, including condensation, cooling and separation.
- Storage and distribution: the purified ammonia is stored in specialised tanks or containers, designed to handle ammonia safely. Ammonia can be transported as a liquid, either under pressure or in the form of an aqueous solution.
To achieve carbon neutrality or a carbon-free status throughout its life cycle, ammonia production must switch to green or blue methods. Green ammonia uses renewable energy sources, while blue ammonia uses fossil fuels with carbon sequestration technology, resulting in a significantly smaller carbon footprint than conventional production methods.
- Renewable energy sources: green ammonia uses renewable sources such as solar, wind or hydropower to power the synthesis process. This approach significantly reduces the carbon footprint of the production process.
- Electrolysis: a common method for producing green ammonia is electrolysis. Renewable electricity splits water (H₂O) into hydrogen (H₂) and oxygen (O₂), which are then combined with nitrogen (N₂) to make ammonia (NH₃) via the Haber-Bosch process.
- Carbon Capture & Utilization (CCU): green ammonia production can also capture carbon emissions from fossil processes. CCU not only reduces carbon emissions, but also provides a way to recycle carbon.
- Market developments in the introduction of green and blue ammonia is in line with global efforts for a low-carbon economy. Ongoing research, pilot projects and investments are aimed at scaling up production. E.g. the Cleanergy Solutions Namibia Project developed together with CMB.TECH.
Although ammonia must be handled with care, it can be used safely and effectively if proper precautions are taken in well-ventilated areas. Our technology is enhanced by the use of sensors and other safety measures so that it can be used safely in various applications. With proper ventilation and adherence to safety protocols, ammonia proves to be a valuable resource without major risks.
If there were to be a slow leak, people will easily detect increased concentrations of ammonia in air long before they rise to levels that pose major health hazards, allowing them to take action to leave the area, dilute with fresh air and/or address the source of the leak.
Although ammonia is generally not known to ignite easily, it can become flammable under certain conditions, especially within certain concentration ranges in air. It is prudent to take this property into account when handling ammonia and take the necessary precautions to minimise potential flammability risks.
Ammonia is an interesting potential fuel because it can be produced using renewable energy sources, emits no CO₂ when burned, and has a high energy density.
As the industry looks for sustainable fuel options, ammonia is emerging as a promising alternative. Ammonia (NH₃) as fuel burns CO₂-free like hydrogen as there is no carbon molecule in this fuel. Ammonia will significantly reduce SOₓ and particulate matter. Compared with hydrogen, ammonia has a higher energy density and is easier to store. Ammonia can be produced using renewable energy sources, which makes it a fuel of the future.
One of the most compelling advantages lies in the potential of green ammonia to revolutionise the shipping industry and provide a viable alternative to fossil fuels. Its use holds enormous promise for significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and represents a crucial step forward in our collective efforts for a sustainable environment.
Ammonia can be stored onboard ships in specialised refrigerated tanks of –34 degrees designed to handle its properties. Ammonia is one of the most transported chemicals in the world over the last decades.
Storing and using ammonia as fuel for vessels requires specialised equipment and safety measures to ensure the right flow of ammonia to the engine room.
Safety protocols and training are essential for handling ammonia safely on ships. Crew members need to be well-trained in ammonia handling procedures.
Safety measures include proper ventilation systems, leak detection systems, emergency response plans, personal protective equipment, and compliance with stringent regulations governing ammonia handling.
Using green ammonia as a maritime fuel can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as it doesn’t produce CO₂ when burned, thus contributing to efforts in decarbonising the maritime industry.
Moreover, the production of green ammonia involves the use of green hydrogen. This not only eliminates CO₂ emissions from the production process, but also reduces dependence on fossil fuels, thus promoting the adoption of renewable energy practices.
Large ships with two-stroke dual fuel engines can run on ammonia as fuel, which makes up about 95% of the mixture. The remaining 5% consists of pilot fuel, which is used for ignition. This configuration makes these ships almost mono fuel, demonstrating the growing importance of green ammonia in decarbonising shipping.
The use of ammonia as a marine fuel is yet to be included in the extension of the International Maritime Organisation's IGF Code. Meanwhile, ships using ammonia as fuel must meet alternative design requirements under SOLAS and related risk-based criteria from various classification societies. Some agencies have already issued rules for the classification of such ships.
The IGC Code contains requirements for the carriage of ammonia that apply to handling and storage on ammonia-fuelled ships. However, the use of ammonia as fuel on gas tankers is complicated by the IGC Code's restrictions on toxic cargo as fuel. An amendment allowing gas tankers to use ammonia is under preparation.
Currently, there are no regulations or standards for ammonia as marine fuel. There are several ISO standards that address the quality of ammonia for use in land-based industrial applications, which can serve as a guideline until a specific bunker standard for shipping is developed.