Corporate governance
Corporate Governance Structure
CMB.TECH pays close attention to good corporate governance as a necessary condition for its long-term success. Good corporate governance implies that correct and transparent structures are in place ensuring best practice in determining the policy of CMB.TECH.
Click here to consult the Corporate Governance Charter.
Remuneration Policy
The purpose of the CMB.TECH remuneration policy is to define, implement and monitor an overall group remuneration philosophy and framework, in line with group and local regulatory requirements. More specifically, the Policy is intended to:
- Reward fairly and competitively, ensuring the organisation’s ability to attract, motivate and retain highly skilled talent in an international marketplace by providing them with a balanced and competitive remuneration package
- Promote accountability through the achievement of demanding performance targets and long-term sustainable growth, coherent with CMB.TECH’s values, identity and culture
- Differentiate reward by performance and recognise sustained (over)achievement of performance against pre-agreed, objective goals at the corporate, operating, company and individual level
- Pursue long-term value creation and alignment with the strategy, purpose and core values of CMB.TECH, taking into consideration the interests of all stakeholders
- Align remuneration practices while respecting local (country) market practice and regulation
- Follow sound principles of corporate governance, of responsible business conduct and comply with all legal requirements
- Observe principles of balanced remuneration practice that contribute to sound risk management and avoid risk-taking that exceeds the risk tolerance limits of CMB.TECH.
Click here to consult the full policy.
Whistleblower policy
CMB.TECH has adopted a Whistleblower Protection Policy to protect individuals who want to lawfully raise a legitimate concern. If an individual does not feel comfortable reporting concerns to a supervisor, manager or any other appropriate person within the Company, he or she can use a free telephone service or web-based platform that enables him or her to report a concern in complete confidentiality. CMB.TECH's “SpeakUp” service is hosted by an independent third party, People InTouch, to ensure a straightforward, confidential, secure, and convenient way of reporting.
Consult the webservice here.
The global URL enables the employee to consult the individual local phone number of the country he or she is located. For a general numbers’ overview, you can consult the procedure and the list of international free-phone numbers here.
Click here to consult the Whistleblower Protection Policy.
Articles of Association
The Articles of Association specify the regulations for CMB.TECH’s operations and define our company’s purposes.
Click here to consult the Articles of Association.