Supervisory Board

Name: Bjarte Bøe
Title: Non-Independent Director
Corporate Governance And Nomination Committee: Member
Mr. Bjarte Bøe serves on the Supervisory Board since the SGM of 21 November 2023 as a non-independent member.
Mr. Bjarte Bøe graduated from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business
Administration (NHH) in 1983. He joined RS Platou and worked as a shipbroker in Houston
and Oslo. In 1986 he joined Christiania Bank, later named Nordea, and worked in Oslo and
London until 1995, when he joined SEB. He worked in various managerial positions, including
head of Shipping Finance and head of Investment Banking in Oslo and Stockholm until 2019.
He has served as a director of Seadrill, Hermitage Offshore and Agera Venture. He also sat on
the board of CMB.TECH from April 2021 until February 2022. He is a serving board member of
Eika Group (a Norwegian savings bank group) since April 2023.