Supervisory Board

Name: Catharina Scheers
Title: Independent member
Audit and Risk Committee: Member
Renumeration Committee: Member
Mrs. Catharina Scheers serves on the Supervisory Board since the SGM of 21 November as an independent member.
Mrs. Catharina Scheers holds a Master’s degree in Communication and Media from KU Leuven and a Bachelor’s degree in Political and Social Science from the University of Antwerp. She started her career with Fast Lines in 1993. She is the owner and managing director of Fast Lines Belgium and has been appointed Chair of the company since 2003. She is currently also a member of the board of directors of ASF (Antwerp Shipping Federation), a member of the board of BRABO and a member of WISTA (Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association). In 2021, Mrs. Catharina Scheers received the ESPA “Maritime Figure of the Year” award.