Supervisory Board
Name Marc Saverys
Title: Non-Independent Director/Chairman
End of Mandate: 2026
Mr. Marc Saverys serves on the Supervisory Board since the SGM of 23 March 2023 as a non-independent member.
Mr. Marc Saverys holds a degree in law from the University of Ghent. In 1975 he joined Bocimar’s chartering department, the dry bulk division of the CMB Group. In 1985 he left Bocimar and became Managing Director of Exmar, which at that time became a diversified shipowning company, where he was in charge of the drybulk division. He became a director of CMB Group in 1991 and was Managing Director of CMB Group from April 1992 through September 2014 when he was appointed as chairman. During the period from 2003 through July 2014, he served as the Chairman of the Board of Euronav (now CMB.TECH), and served as a Vice-Chairman of the Board of Euronav (now CMB.TECH) from July 2014 until December 2015.