Supervisory Board

Name: Patrick Molis
Title: Independent Member
Audit and Risk Committee: Member
Corporate Governance And Nomination Committee: Chairman
Mr. Patrick Molis serves on the Supervisory Board since the SGM of 21 November 2023 as an independent member.
Mr. Patrick Molis graduated from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris and holds a Master’s degree in law from Paris X Nanterre. He started his career as a Magistrate at the Cour des Comptes after joining the National School of Administration. Mr. Patrick Molis was General Manager of Union Normande Investissement (1989-1992), CFO of Worms & Cie Group (1994-1997), General Manager of Compagnie Nationale de Navigation (1995- 1998), Chairman of the Board of Compagnie du Ponant (2012-2015) and Chairman and CEO of Héli-Union (2013-2022). He is currently Chairman of Compagnie Nationale de Navigation (since 1998) and director of Sabena Technics. He has previously served as member of the board of directors of Euronav Luxembourg (1995-2001), Euronav (2004-2010), Compagnie Maritime Nantaise (1995-2017), Compagnie Méridionale de Navigation (2008- 2022) and of the Conseil d’orientation du Domaine national de Chambord (2007-2017). Mr. Patrick Molis has been awarded the titles of Knight of the Legion of Honour and Officer of the Order of Merit.