Sustainability is key

Sustainability has always been part of CMB.TECH's DNA.

CMB.TECH is developing and investing in innovative technologies that have the power to redefine the future of shipping. 

At CMB.TECH, we are not just users of clean fuels; we also produce, distribute, and transport hydrogen and ammonia, playing an integral role in the realm of low-carbon fuels. We believe in hydrogen for small applications and ammonia for large applications.

We have hydrogen powered vessels on the water, today – and have an extensive order book with future-proof tonnage to run on hydrogen and ammonia. CMB.TECH doesn't only follow the 2023 IMO GHG strategy trajectory – but leads the way.

The 2023 sustainability report provides an overview of the 2023 sustainability achievements of Euronav as a standalone (without CMB.TECH), next year’s report will contain the many achievements CMB.TECH will have realised in 2024.

CMB.TECH: Decarbonise Today, Navigate Tomorrow!

Euronav cover sustainability report
Sustainability report
Sustainability part - Annual report
Bocimar Mineral Europe

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